Department of Medicine and Surgery
The Studies Centre on the history of biomedical philosophy (Cespeb) was founded on 25th July 2008 as a "cultural-scientific promotion association to analyze the history and evolution of biomedical philosophy as an essential element to analyze the past, understand the present and build up the future healthcare through the research and the matching of cultural and ethical questions of past and contemporary medicine. Its goal is to promote historical, epistemological and antropological studies in the biomedical field.
Cespeb works on three main research lines:
1) as a Center of study and documentation, aiming at promote and organize national and international workshops, roundtables, conferences, seminars, congresses and cultural exchange, with a dedicated editorial activity;
2) as a Center of research and education, aiming at promote and organize researches in the field of medicine, healthcare, biomedical philosophy and bioethics, and at the organization of educational courses for all the people involved in the study of the medical and healthcare history;
3) as an Historical archive, aiming at collect and classify bibliograhical material, documents, studies, researches and books for public consultation. It also aims at the preservation of the instrumental and archivistic heritage on local and national healthcare, with the goal to build up a "Museum of healtcare history".