Department of Informatics, System and Communication
The expertise covered by the Department in the Cultural Heritage field are classified as follows:
❏ Management: applications for better management (efficacy and affordability) of material (artworks, paintings, statues, buildings...) and immaterial (texts, songs, traditions, costumes) Cultural Heritage.
❏ Research and study: applications to support the study (academic and higher) and the research in CH.
❏ Diagnosis: applications to help the diagnostics of the conservation and degradation of CH.
❏ Protection: applications that help the protection of CH from vandals or criminals and from natural disasters.
❏ Communication-divulgation: applications that "talk" to the users about the relevancy of CH, for general divulgation and tourism purposes.
❏ Formation: applications aimed at the students to help during their studies.
❏ Fruition: applications that help efficient fruition of the material and immaterial CH.

Project examples:
Colore e spazio nel patrimonio culturale (COSCH). [Azione EU COST TD1201]. Intergovernative framework for the European cooperation in science and technology. A net of specialists in the newest techniques in optical measurements and imaging used for the artwork documentary research.
Milano Antica. Percorsi Archeologici della Milano Antica: technologies of the semantic web for the integration and the access to the information on the CH, within the Accordo di Programma per la realizzazione del Polo per la Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali in Lombardia tra Regione Lombardia e diversi Atenei Lombardi.
Tecnologie integrate per la documentazione e la valorizzazione dei beni culturali lombardi (TIVal). The project, founded by Regione Lombardia aimed at the integration of innovative analysis techniques for the definition of an original path of valorization in the case study of the Certosa di Pavia.
SIRBEC e AESS (Regione Lombardia). Management and fruition of material and immaterial CH through images and videos.
Cultural studies on archive texts using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Analysis about the semantic change of words, entities and concepts from historical archives (evolution of meanings, peculiar implications, bias survey).
Pollicina (Regione Lombardia) and Ambitour (Fondazione Cariplo) projects. Development of collaborative platforms for every school, to create transversal paths on the territory. The platforms were integrated with the international, national, and local database of CH (SIRBEC, Europeana, Osservatorio della biodiversità di Regione Lombardia).